SCHOOL SURVEYS from SHEU the schools and students health education unit
Once your survey is complete a detailed report on your results and a comparison with national data will be prepared and sent to you in Microsoft Word format. This contains a lot of background information on the questions and hints on interpreting the results. This is particularly aimed at school teachers who are using the survey results to feedback into curriculum and lesson planning.
Some data are presented in graphical format which can be useful in understanding the results as well as presenting to other teachers, parents, governors etc. The following shows one of the pages from an example report:
FOOD & NUTRITIONBreakfast14% in your survey had nothing for breakfast, while 12% had only a drink for breakfast. 3% had a cooked breakfast on the day of the survey. SHEU's large annual samples typically show an increasing value for 'nothing at all' with increasing age, a trend that endures throughout the teenage years. The following chart shows the percentages having different types of breakfast. The category 'Traditional' means at least cereal, toast or bread, cooked breakfast, fruit or breakfast bar. Snacks means: chocolate bar, sweets or crisp-type snack but not traditional breakfast.
The tables below show a breakdown by year and sex of those having nothing or only a drink. By the age of 15-16 as many as 18% of girls report having nothing at all at breakfast time and a further 19% report having only a drink. Q7. Percentage answering they had nothing for breakfast
Q7. Percentage answering they had at most a drink for breakfast this morning.
Healthy Eating46% say that school teaches them 'Quite a lot' or 'A lot' about healthy eating. Q25. Percentage answering school teaches them 'Quite a lot' or 'A lot' about healthy eating.